Lieven Demunter was born on the 18th of April 1962, and lives in Bissegem (Belgium)
He is a visual artist and gives expression to his artistry by using mainly bronze and clay. To Lieven Demunter, his bronze and ceramic sculptures are just icons inviting the observer to an interior search. They are a silent evidence of a ceaselessly searching, not only for one’s inner self, but also for the world around us. In contrast with thinking which divides and rules, identifies and labels, the creativity of Lieven Demunter aspires to a chaotic complexity of a bigger whole where fine distinctions melt, where people give expression to their animal nature and animals act as amazing human beings. A horse showing aristocratic features, eagerly reaching for the sky, birds considering wistfully at flying as something belonging to the past…
All these things become possible, thereby going in authenticity and reality.
Unlike cynicism which reflects a loveless abstinence, the works of art of Lieven Demunter do not only demonstrate a high degree of technical skill, but also witness of the artist’s gentle-hearted disposition for everything around him.